The alarming rate of growth of pollution globally has raised questions worldwide on the habits of the inhabitants of the Earth. Global warming, climate change, and sustainable growth are some of the concerns that have been raised internationally and have resulted in more consumers becoming aware of environment-friendly activities surrounding them. These environmental challenges have gained importance in the business environment, as well as in the public platform. Thus, these critical environmental issues united with demand by customer groups for green products and services have led to the emergence of green marketing. Green marketing refers to the business practice which propagates sustainable development.
Over the last few years, there is a sudden spike in the sustainable practices by retailers which is undertaken with the motive of not only strengthening their reputation and brand image but also increasing consumer awareness and enhancing the target groups' appeal for the company. These measures will ultimately employ a positive effect on how customers perceive retailers. The imprint of a proper, positive, and proactive image is very pertinent for the growth of a brand. The rate of increase in competition and technological development has further motivated retailers to act actively as the chance of gaining customer loyalty highly increases with gradual updations. All retailers are widely involved in recycling their wasted output, they are valuing more and more the health and sustainability concepts, in food and non-food fields, which are significantly focused on optimizing the packaging procedures. In such a situation it's green marketing that comes to the rescue of retailers as it successfully establishes the relationship between health-conscious, environment-conscious, and eco-friendly aspects. Both the retailers as well as the consumers seek their own benefits in every purchase made or product or service delivered.
The main goal of green marketing is to reach the consumer at the moment that most influences their purchase decision-making process. Marketing does not only include promoting and selling a good or service, it is more than that as it aims to educate, communicate and influence society for positive growth.
Green promotion: Visual aesthetics completing the product’s packaging can be used as an operative marketing tool when consumers do not have pre-information about the product. Packaging acts contain, identify, describe, protect, display, promote, and make the product marketable. Theorists believe that a consumer’s choice of a green product is heavily influenced by the packaging. They also assert that green consumers, mostly women, examine the labeling of green products to see if it was manufactured with recycled materials. Furthermore, they tend to purchase ecologically compatible products, e.g., products that are CFC-free, biodegradable, or unbleached. Davis (2014) points to research that has proven that packaging is more likely to influence the buying behavior of women consumers than male consumers. In addition, Ahern (2013) suggests that emotional advertising is a powerful tool used by modern marketers to influence consumer preference and decision-making. Ansar (2013) believes that advertisements are very effective in enhancing consumers’ knowledge about the environment and green products, thus, helping them to make informed decisions about the products they consume and their impact on the environment. Therefore, environmental advertisements can help to enhance motivation towards buying green products. These promotional tactics, if implemented, will attract consumers and will, most likely, influence green purchase decisions by consumers.
Marketers need to raise awareness levels of green marketing among the wider consumer population. The importance of product packaging and labeling in influencing consumer purchase behavior and the decision-making process is also very evident. Marketers need to ensure that product labeling is effectively used in convincing the consumer to make a decision at the point of purchase. The results indicate support for retailers who are socially responsible. Therefore, if retailers want to attract more customers, they should consider green practicing, because it appeals to a rapidly growing market, would result in the organization being socially credible and responsible in the eyes of consumers, uplift the corporate image of the company, and increase the company sales and profit.
Shared by Dr. Aruna Dev Rroy,
Associate Professor, The Assam Royal Global University
Published by Dr. Shakti Mishra