Women are the part of nature. Innovation and creativity is naturally gifted to them and in spite
of the gift , we woman are not nurturing our strongest side and it is high time to realize and
invest our energies to the innovation , lets encourage ourselves with the innovation and stories of top 5 women Innovators of the world.
1. Marie Curie – Theory of Radioactivity
By the time Polish physicist Marie Curie was just 44 years old, she had laid out a theory of
radioactivity (a term that she coined), techniques for isolating radioactive isotopes, and the
discovery of two elements, polonium and radium. She was the first person in history to win two Nobel Prizes and the only person to win twice in multiple sciences.
2. Maria Beasley – The life raft
In 1882, US inventor Maria Beasely decided to stop people dying at sea. People have been
navigating the seas for millennia, but the lifeboats that existed at the time were not an effective product to help in the event of a SOS situations. Now, thanks to Maria, thousands of lives have been saved, including an estimated 706 from when the Titanic sank.
3. Hedy Lamarr: Wireless transmission technology
In 1941, During World War II, Lamar, who also happened to be a movie star, created a
frequency-hopping communication system that could guide torpedo’s without being detected.
Her groundbreaking work paved the way for the modern invention of WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth
4. Marion Donovan - Disposable diaper
In 1950,First inventing a leak-proof diaper covering, then a fully disposable diaper, Donovan
was intent on helping as many people as possible with her ingenuity. While it’s not surprising
that her inventions were completely ignored as “unnecessary and impractical” by the male
manufacturers she pitched them to, Donovan took matters into her own hands and sold them
straight to Saks Fifth Avenue.
5. Patricia Bath - Laser cataract surgery
In 1986, Bath’s patented Laserphaco Probe allows doctors to dissolve cataracts quickly and
painlessly before applying new lenses to patients' eyes. This technology is used worldwide to
prevent blindness due to cataracts.
Women’s should understand their true potential and start investing their time to creativity and
innovation to take the nation forward.
Reference: One,org and USA Today
Published By She Business Time