Due to the imposing physiological restrictions, people have become psychologically constricted as well. Stress, Anxiety, depression , etc have become a part and parcel of everyone’s life. All the working professionals, mothers, young adults, portray signs of loss of memory, concentration, nervous breakdown, nervousness. This also contributes in frequently consulting the doctor
When human body gives some signal of disease related symptoms, then only we find a reason to visit the hospital and consult a doctor. But in this current vulnerable situation, even though we are fit and healthy looking from outside it has become an urgent pointer in our schedule to meet the doctor very often. Due to the ongoing virus invasions in the environment and many other factors, people are becoming more prone to diseases, whether just a flu or any other visceral issues. So, it has become a new norm to prevent the spread of the disease rather than cure it.
Lifestyle modification- This is the major point that everyone has to include in their to-do list. Starting from morning breakfast to lunch- evening snacks-dinner. All must follow a basic rule to have all the good inductive factors in the everyday life.
Factors contributing in generalized physiological health hazards- *Environmental factorsEver since the covid era started 2 years back, every now and then people fall sick . There is reduced immune power and more hospital visits. The pollution rate has also increased due to emission of fuel and carbon rich pollutants. Not only the adults but also the children have become victims to very chronic respiratory diseases. So, parents are sceptical about sending children to school and more absenteeism found
A m*Sedentary lifestyleBecause of the covid, many companies started work from home opportunities for employees. So, most people were found at home at major time periods . This, inculcated the habit of “ ONE PLACE WORK, EAT AND REST”. Instead of doing some sort of ADL work, everyone was place bound and no physical activity was seen. Till date, people do all there essential works staying and sitting at one place . Result, It started showing physiological restrictions in the musculoskeletal framework of the body. Conditions like Arthritis, Early degenerative processes, Stiffness, muscle atrophy, postural dysfunction, etc. *Psychological AspectDue to the imposing physiological restrictions, people have become psychologically constricted as well. Stress, Anxiety, depression , etc have become a part and parcel of everyone’s life. All the working proffessionals, mothers, young adults, portray signs of loss of memory, concentration, nervous breakdown, nervousness. This also contributes in frequently consulting the doctor. *Unknown causeStudies have shown, symptoms raising due to many unknown cause which scientists relate to lifestyle changes. So, if such vulnerable cause will persist then, people will become bound to go for check ups in every 4 weeks. he article topic. A question-and-answer format follows.
*Old age susceptibility- Earlier only after the age of 50 years, we could probably think of any illness or diseases. But, who knew of these circumstances that before you even touch 40 years, degenerative changes start occurring due to lack of physical and psychological balance. Lack of awareness and physical activity also attributes in the occurrence as well. Conditions with signs and symptomsNew variants are invading the environment, and causing innumerable changes and variations inside the body. Some signs may be categorized as- *Cardiovascular irregularityMost people nowadays complain of chest pain, increased heart rate, congestion, increased blood pressure. So, this has contributed in increasing conditions like cardiac arrest, angina, cardiac arrhythmia, etc. *Respiratory problemChildren between the age group of 5-10 years and adults between the age group of 30-50 years are mostly affected with respiratory distress syndromes. Where conditions like cough, asthma, shortness of breath, are some suffering points. *Joint painArthritic symptoms are very likely to occur in big joints like shoulder, knee, hand finger joints. So, because of pain there becomes restriction of ADL activities, Unwanted intake of MR and paracetamols to reduce pain, likewise. The ligaments and tendons become laxed and loose. *cold and fluWhether you go out of the house or stay inside, the seasonal flu and cold has become widespread. This continued occurrence has decreased the stamina in children and increased the susceptibility in the other related co-morbidities.
Preventive measures taken-
Due to the imposing physiological restrictions, people have become psychologically constricted as well. Stress, Anxiety, depression , etc have become a part and parcel of everyone’s life.All the working proffessionals, mothers, young adults, portray signs of loss of memory, concentration, nervous breakdown, nervousness. This also contributes in frequently consulting the doctor
As it is all time prevelant situation now, every family has started taking preventive measures to atleast reduce the occurrence of the symptoms. There is no end to this. So, it is better if we follow before hand restricting guidelines, to make our life more easy to live in.
1. Lifestyle modification- This is the major point that everyone has to include in their to-do list. Starting from morning breakfast to lunch- evening snacks-dinner. All must follow a basic rule to have all the good inductive factors in the everyday life.
Work out everyday with atleast 40 minutes ( warm up-main course-cool down) should be included in each book of good life. No medicine can cure the body until you try to heal it yourself. Natural resources are the best way to improve immunity. So, diet and exercise are the two most important inclusions in everyday regimen.
2. Regular check ups- Every company nowadays have policies to allow hospital tie ups for self and family health check ups. So, these policies should be availed by every employee for the health benefit of their family. And apart from these policies, people should go for regular check up to know about the vitals ( blood , hormones, bone density, etc) to prevent any upcoming illness in time. Vitals like blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, cardiac and respiratory functions all should be checked and consulted with doctors if any variations are found.
Sleep has been found to be headed in a separate point to highlight its importance. Because most people are suffering from insomnia ( sleeplessness) . This is increasing in the population as many medications have failed to reduce the symptoms. Not getting proper sleep in night leads to irritations, mood swings, body pain, headache and many more such signs.
So, improving the sleep pattern has helped many people to overcome the issues. At least 8 hours during night and half an hour nap during afternoon has resulted in positive body functioning.
Neuronal activities inside the body also remain intact, if we get good amount of sleep.
Good hormones are released with sufficient rest given to the body.
Therefore, the present scenario has given rise to many such situations where people are taking care of themselves with best effort to reduce the occurance of any such illness. Hence, new interventions and technology driven system in healthcare sector should be given priority with advanced check ups encouraged in every hospitals and centres. So, that the general population is aware of the protocol and act accordingly.
Dr.Shakti Mishra (PT)